Open Source

Password Pusher allows you to customize your instance with your own branding. You can set your own site title, tagline, and logo to match your organization’s identity.

Environment Variables

To rebrand your instance, you can set the following environment variables:

Environment Variable Description Default Value
PWP__BRAND__TITLE Site title Password Pusher
PWP__BRAND__TAGLINE Site tagline Go Ahead. Email Another Password.
PWP__BRAND__DISCLAIMER Site disclaimer Undefined
PWP__BRAND__SHOW_FOOTER_MENU On/Off switch for footer menu true
PWP__BRAND__LIGHT_LOGO Site logo image for light theme logo-transparent-sm-bare.png
PWP__BRAND__DARK_LOGO Site logo image for dark theme logo-transparent-sm-bare.png

Specifying Paths to Images

You can specify the paths to your logo images using either:

  1. Fully qualified HTTP(s) URLs, such as (easiest)
  2. Relative paths that are mounted inside the container


For the second option, you can mount a directory containing your logo images inside the container. For example, if you place your logo images in /var/lib/pwpush/logos/, you can mount that directory using the following command:

docker run -d -p "5100:5100" -v /var/lib/pwpush/logos:/opt/PasswordPusher/public/logos pglombardo/pwpush:latest

Alternatively, you can use a docker-compose.yml file to mount the directory:

  # Example of a persistent volume for the storage directory (file uploads)
  - /var/lib/pwpush/logos:/opt/PasswordPusher/public/logos:ro

Once you have mounted the directory, you can set your LOGO environment variables (or settings.yml options) to point to your logo images. For example:


Premium & Pro

Using the Premium & Pro edition of Password Pusher, you can fully customize all push delivery pages:

  1. 1-Click Retrieval
  2. Passphrase
  3. Push Delivery
  4. Push Expired

Documentation doesn’t exist yet but for now, see the screenshots in the Pipeline New Features page.

If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact me anytime.
