The Password Pusher password generator is a tool for creating strong, unique, and memorable passwords. This generator allows you to customize the password generation process through a set of environment variables, providing you with complete control over the output.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be used to customize the password generation process:

Environment Variable Description Default Value
PWP__GEN__HAS_NUMBERS Controls whether generated passwords have numbers true
PWP__GEN__TITLE_CASED Controls whether generated passwords will be title cased true
PWP__GEN__USE_SEPARATORS Controls whether generated passwords will use separators between syllables true
PWP__GEN__CONSONANTS The list of consonants to generate from bcdfghklmnprstvz
PWP__GEN__VOWELS The list of vowels to generate from aeiouy
PWP__GEN__SEPARATORS If use_separators is enabled above, the list of separators to use (randomly) -_=
PWP__GEN__MAX_SYLLABLE_LENGTH The maximum length of each syllable that a generated password can have 3
PWP__GEN__MIN_SYLLABLE_LENGTH The minimum length of each syllable that a generated password can have 1
PWP__GEN__SYLLABLES_COUNT The exact number of syllables that a generated password will have 3

By adjusting these environment variables, you can fine-tune the password generation process to suit your specific needs. For example, you can choose to exclude numbers, use a specific set of consonants and vowels, or control the length and number of syllables in the generated password.
