Note: Remember that instead of environment variables, which can get hard to maintain, Password Pusher also supports configuration by YAML file.

Application General

Environment Variable Description Default Value
PWP__SHOW_VERSION Show the version in the footer true
PWP__SHOW_GDPR_CONSENT_BANNER Optionally enable or disable the GDPR cookie consent banner. true
PWP__TIMEZONE Set the application wide timezone. Use a valid timezone string (see note below). America/New_York
SECRET_KEY_BASE A secret key that is used for various security-related features, including session cookie encryption and other cryptographic operations. Use /opt/PasswordPusher/bin/pwpush secret to generate a random key string. See the SECRET_KEY_BASE documentation. Randomly Generated on boot

Tip: A list of valid timezone strings can be found at on Wikipedia.

Google Analytics

Environment Variable Description
GA_ENABLE The existence of this variable will enable the Google Analytics for the application. See app/views/layouts/_ga.html.erb.
GA_ACCOUNT The Google Analytics account id. E.g. UA-XXXXXXXX-X
GA_DOMAIN The domain where the application is hosted. E.g.


Throttling enforces a minimum time interval between subsequent HTTP requests from a particular client, as well as by defining a maximum number of allowed HTTP requests per a given time period (per second, minute, hourly, or daily).

Environment Variable Description Default Value
PWP__THROTTLING__MINUTE The maximum number of allowed HTTP requests per minute 120
PWP__THROTTLING__SECOND The maximum number of allowed HTTP requests per second 60


Environment Variable Description
PWP__LOG_LEVEL Set the logging level for the application. Valid values are: debug, info, warn, error and fatal. Note: lowercase.
PWP__LOG_TO_STDOUT Set to ‘true’ to have log output sent to STDOUT instead of log files. Default: false

Forcing SSL Links

Warning: This is a legacy setting and is no longer suggested for use. If using a proxy, make sure to have your proxy forward the X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-Port and X-Forwarded-Proto HTTP headers. See the “Proxies” section for more information and instructions.

Environment Variable Description
FORCE_SSL (Deprecated) The existence of this variable will set config.force_ssl to true and generate HTTPS based secret URLs
