To enable file uploads (File Pushes) in your instance of Password Pusher, there are a few requirements:

  1. you must have logins enabled (see above)
  2. specify a place to store uploaded files
  3. If you use cloud storage, configure the CORS configuration in your buckets (detailed below)

The following settings enable/disable the feature and specify where to store uploaded files.

This feature can store uploads on local disk (not valid for Docker containers), Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage or Azure Storage.


Note: Remember that instead of environment variables, which can get hard to maintain, Password Pusher also supports configuration by YAML file.

Environment Variable Description Value(s)
PWP__ENABLE_FILE_PUSHES On/Off switch for File Pushes. false
PWP__FILES__STORAGE Chooses the storage area for uploaded files. local, amazon, google or microsoft
PWP__FILES__ENABLE_BLUR Enables or disables the ‘blur’ effect when showing a text payload to the user. true
PWP__FILES__ENABLE_DELETABLE_PUSHES Can passwords be deleted by viewers? When true, passwords will have a link to optionally delete the password being viewed false
PWP__FILES__DELETABLE_PUSHES_DEFAULT When the above is true, this sets the default value for the option. true
PWP__FILES__ENABLE_RETRIEVAL_STEP When true, adds an option to have a preliminary step to retrieve passwords. true
PWP__FILES__RETRIEVAL_STEP_DEFAULT Sets the default value for the retrieval step for newly created passwords. false
PWP__FILES__MAX_FILE_UPLOADS Sets the maximum number of files that can be added to a single push. 10

Expiration Settings

Environment Variable Description Default Value
PWP__FILES__EXPIRE_AFTER_DAYS_DEFAULT Controls the “Expire After Days” default value in Password#new 7
PWP__FILES__EXPIRE_AFTER_DAYS_MIN Controls the “Expire After Days” minimum value in Password#new 1
PWP__FILES__EXPIRE_AFTER_DAYS_MAX Controls the “Expire After Days” maximum value in Password#new 90
PWP__FILES__EXPIRE_AFTER_VIEWS_DEFAULT Controls the “Expire After Views” default value in Password#new 5
PWP__FILES__EXPIRE_AFTER_VIEWS_MIN Controls the “Expire After Views” minimum value in Password#new 1
PWP__FILES__EXPIRE_AFTER_VIEWS_MAX Controls the “Expire After Views” maximum value in Password#new 100

Choosing a Backend Storage Mechanism

When files are attached to a push and uploaded to Password Pusher, they have to be stored somewhere publicly accessible. The four options are:

  1. Local Disk
  2. Amazon S3
  3. Google Cloud
  4. Microsoft Azure

The following sections explain how to configure each. Only one configuration can be active at any time.

Local Storage


The default location for local storage is ./storage.

If using containers and you prefer local storage, you can add a volume mount to the container at the path /opt/PasswordPusher/storage:

docker run -d -p "5100:5100" -v /var/lib/pwpush/files:/opt/PasswordPusher/storage pglombardo/pwpush:latest

Note: Please make sure that the directory is writeable by the docker container.

Note: A CORS configuration is not required for local storage.

Amazon S3

To configure the application to store files in an Amazon S3 bucket, you have to:

  1. set the required environment variables detailed below (or the equivalent values in settings.yml)
  2. apply a CORS configuration to your S3 bucket (see next section)
Environment Variable Description Value(s)
PWP__FILES__STORAGE Storage Provider Selection amazon
PWP__FILES__S3__ENDPOINT S3 Endpoint None
PWP__FILES__S3__SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Secret Access Key None
PWP__FILES__S3__REGION S3 Region None
PWP__FILES__S3__BUCKET The S3 bucket name None

CORS Configuration

The application performs direct uploads from the browser to your Amazon S3 bucket. This provides better performance and reduces load on the application itself.

For this to work, you have to add a CORS configuration to your bucket.

This direct upload functionality is done using a library called ActiveStorage. For the full documentation on configuring CORS for ActiveStorage, see here.

    "AllowedHeaders": [
    "AllowedMethods": [
    "AllowedOrigins": [
      ""  << Change to your URL
    "MaxAgeSeconds": 3600

Google Cloud Storage

To configure the application to store files in Google Cloud Storage, you have to:

  1. set the required environment variables detailed below (or the equivalent values in settings.yml)
  2. apply a CORS configuration (see next section)
Environment Variable Description Value(s)
PWP__FILES__STORAGE Storage Provider Selection google
PWP__FILES__GCS__BUCKET The GCS bucket name None

CORS Configuration

The application performs direct uploads from the browser to Google Cloud Storage. This provides better performance and reduces load on the application itself.

For this to work, you have to add a CORS configuration.

This direct upload functionality is done using a library called ActiveStorage. For the full documentation on configuring CORS for ActiveStorage, see here.

    "origin": [""],
    "method": ["PUT"],
    "responseHeader": ["Content-Type", "Content-MD5", "Content-Disposition"],
    "maxAgeSeconds": 3600

Azure Storage

To configure the application to store files in Azure Storage, you have to:

  1. set the required environment variables detailed below (or the equivalent values in settings.yml)
  2. apply a CORS configuration (see next section)
Environment Variable Description Value(s)
PWP__FILES__STORAGE Storage Provider Selection microsoft
PWP__FILES__AS__STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME Azure Storage Account Name None
PWP__FILES__AS__STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY Azure Storage Account Key None
PWP__FILES__AS__CONTAINER Azure Storage Container Name None

CORS Configuration

The application performs direct uploads from the browser to Azure Storage. This provides better performance and reduces load on the application itself.

For this to work, you have to add a CORS configuration.

This direct upload functionality is done using a library called ActiveStorage. For the full documentation on configuring CORS for ActiveStorage, see here.

    <AllowedHeaders>Content-Type, Content-MD5, x-ms-blob-content-disposition, x-ms-blob-type</AllowedHeaders>
