
To back up a PostgreSQL database running inside the Password Pusher Docker Compose setup, follow these steps:

Identify the Database Service Name

Open the docker-compose.yml file in your Password Pusher setup and look for the PostgreSQL service name (commonly db or postgres).

Run the Backup Command

Use docker exec to run the pg_dump command inside the PostgreSQL container. Replace your_database_name and backup.sql with your actual database name and desired backup file name:

docker exec <container_name> pg_dump -U <db_user> your_database_name > backup.sql
  • <container_name>: The name of your PostgreSQL container (you can get this from docker ps).
  • <db_user>: The database user (often postgres or as defined in your environment variables).
  • your_database_name: The name of the database (check your application’s configuration).


If your Docker container is named password-pusher-db and your database is named password_pusher, the command might look like this:

docker exec password-pusher-db pg_dump -U postgres password_pusher > backup.sql

Store the Backup File

The backup.sql file will be saved on your host system in the current working directory. You can move it to a secure location for long-term storage.

Verify the Backup

Test the backup file to ensure it works by restoring it to a test database:

docker exec -i <container_name> psql -U <db_user> -d test_database < backup.sql

Automate the Backup (Optional)

To automate backups, you can:

  • Add a cron job or scheduled task to run the command regularly.
  • Use a dedicated backup script.

MariaDB or MySQL

To back up a MySQL or MariaDB database running inside the Password Pusher Docker Compose setup, the process is similar to PostgreSQL but uses the mysqldump tool instead of pg_dump. Here’s how you can do it:

Identify the Database Service Name

  • Open the docker-compose.yml file in your Password Pusher setup and look for the MySQL/MariaDB service name (commonly db or mysql).

Run the Backup Command

Use docker exec to run the mysqldump command inside the MySQL/MariaDB container. Replace placeholders as needed:

docker exec <container_name> mysqldump -u<db_user> -p<db_password> <database_name> > backup.sql
  • <container_name>: The name of your MySQL/MariaDB container (you can get this with docker ps).
  • <db_user>: The database user (commonly root or as defined in your environment).
  • <db_password>: The password for the database user (often in .env or docker-compose.yml).
  • <database_name>: The name of your database (check your application configuration).


If your container is named password-pusher-db, the database user is root, the password is password, and the database name is password_pusher, your command might look like this:

docker exec password-pusher-db mysqldump -uroot -ppassword password_pusher > backup.sql

Note: There is no space between -u and the username or -p and the password.

Store the Backup File

The backup.sql file will be saved on your host system in the current working directory. Move it to a secure location for storage.

Verify the Backup

Test the backup file to ensure it works by restoring it to a test database. Run:

docker exec -i <container_name> mysql -u<db_user> -p<db_password> <test_database_name> < backup.sql

Automate the Backup (Optional)

To automate backups:

  • Add a cron job or scheduled task to run the backup command regularly.
  • Use a script to timestamp and store backups in a structured way.

Script Example

Here’s a simple backup script you can use:

BACKUP_FILE="backup_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).sql"


echo "Backup completed: $BACKUP_FILE"

Save it as, make it executable (chmod +x, and run it whenever you need to create a backup.
