Password Pusher is highly customizable allowing you to configure everything from defaults, features, branding, languages and much more.

How to Configure the Application

Password Pusher uses a centralized configuration that is stored in config/settings.yml. This file contains all of the settings that is configurable for the application.

There are two ways to modify the settings in this file:

  1. Use environment variable that override this file
  2. Modify the file itself

Tip: For a few modifications, environment variables are the easy route. For more extensive configuration, it’s suggested to maintain your own custom settings.yml file across updates.

Settings YAML File

If you prefer, you can take the default settings.yml file, modify it and apply it to the Password Pusher Docker container.

Download settings.yml

Overlay a custom settings.yml file

Inside the Password Pusher Docker container:

  • application code exists in the path /opt/PasswordPusher/
  • the settings.yml file is located at /opt/PasswordPusher/config/settings.yml

To replace this file with your own custom version, you can launch the Docker container with a bind mount option:

    docker run -d \
      --mount type=bind,source=/path/settings.yml,target=/opt/PasswordPusher/config/settings.yml \
      -p "5100:5100" pglombardo/pwpush:latest

Environment Variables

All of the settings in the settings.yml file can also be overridden by environment variables. A listing and description of these environment variables is available in this documentation below and also in the settings.yml file itself.

Shell Example

# Change the default language for the application to French

Docker Example

# Change the default language for the application to French
docker run -d --env PWP__DEFAULT_LOCALE=fr -p "5100:5100" pglombardo/pwpush:latest

Docker Env File

Tip: If you have to set a large number of environment variables for Docker, consider using a Docker env-file. There is an example docker-env-file with instructions available.

Download pwpush-docker-env-file

Use this file to store your Password Pusher environment variables and pass to the Docker container.

This can be passed to docker as:

docker run -d --env-file ./pwpush-docker-env-file pglombardo/pwpush:latest
